Friday, May 18, 2012

Tea Party pics

Just because.

Berry Creme Brulee

Creme Brulee is SO easy to make!
Here's the simple recipe I used.
Of course I modified the ingredients by choosing whatever brand of cream, sugar etc. that was cheap/I had around the house.

I don't really have a good broiler or a cook's blowtorch so I didn't get to crystallize the top of the creme brulee but it was still yummy!

Pear and Almond Tart

I don't know how I've lived my whole life without ever having eaten a pear and almond tart.  My favorite kind of desserts are things with chocolate, coffee or cream.  So I tend to stay away from anything and everything else.  But I'm so glad I forayed into this little realm of the dessert world (by that, I mean, tarts).

The only changes I would make to this recipe is that I would use less sugar overall in all of the steps.  I would also use 1 tablespoon less of the butter and add a dash of almond extract to the filling.  And just add more almonds in general.

 Definitely making this again!

Cauliflower, Caramelized Onion and Mushroom Tart

A smittenkitchen recipe.  I just added mushrooms to the mix because I had mushrooms I needed to use up much to my friend Allison's dismay.
I also did not have Gruyere cheese and I'm not a fan of Swiss cheese so I just left that out.  I may have used mozarella to top one of the tarts (I made two of these) and it really doesn't make a huge difference.

Apple Galette

Kind of like a poor man's apple pie.  This is not a very pretty looking galette mainly because the dough is a pain to work with.  I have made a lot of pie dough and tart doughs and each time I tell myself I'm just going to buy pre-made crusts because the dough is just not worth the hassle... and each time I make everything from scratch.  Why do I torment myself so?
You will need to translate the recipe but luckily, the site has a translate button on the left side of the page.
Also, the galettes on the site with the recipe look WAY better than mine did.

Korean Cream Cake

Friend's birthday... you know what that means:
This cake didn't turn out exactly the way I wanted it to (it was too dense) but it still tasted great.  I'll have to try this recipe again to see if I can get a spongy cake instead of a brick.

Eggplant Lasagna (kind of)

There isn't actually lasagna in this... but lack of a better term....
I kind of made this up as I went along.  Basically, opened my fridge and looked to see what was expired/going bad so I could make something quick and not have to waste a lot of food.  The great thing about this recipe is that minus the cheese... it's really  healthy!

1 Eggplant
1 container silken tofu
1 jalapeno
1/2 green pepper or a full one julienned (optional)
1 small onion julienned (optional)
6-7 baby portabella mushrooms sliced (optional, or can be the white mushrooms as well)
black pepper
4-5 cloves garlic
cheddar cheese
mozarella cheese
Spaghetti sauce (any type will do)
olive oil

Prepare eggplant:
Slice 1/4"-1/2" inch.  Spread on paper towels and sprinkle salt to extract bitter taste.  Let sit for 20 minutes then pat dry.  Pre heat oven to 350 F.

In a blender, blend tofu, jalapeno and garlic.  Mix in chopped basil, cheddar cheese, salt, pepper.
Sautee onions, green pepper and mushroom in olive oil for 7-8 minutes on low-medium heat.  Add tofu mixture and heat up for 5-7 additional minutes.

 Brush olive oil in a baking dish (optional).  Place slices of eggplant on bottom until covered. Layer with tofu mixture.  Add another layer of eggplant and tofu, repeat until finished.  On top layer, spread Spaghetti sauce.  Cover with mozarella cheese.
Bake for ~ 40 minutes.


I have a picture of this somewhere... I will update this post when I find the picture...

Chicken Parmesan and Eggplant Parmesan

Awesome recipe from Pioneer Woman.  It's only the Chicken Parmesan.

 Eggplant Parmesan:
1 Eggplant
1 egg, whisked
bread crumbs
Parmesan cheese

For the eggplant, just cut the eggplant in about 1/4"-1/2" slices, arrange on paper towels and sprinkle some salt on them to help get rid of some of the bitter taste.  Let sit for about 20 minutes.  Pat the eggplant dry.  Whisk one egg and in a separate bowl combine bread crumbs and Parmesan cheese and any seasoning you'd like (basil, oregano, salt, pepper, red pepper, etc.).  Dip eggplant slices in egg, then in bread crumb mixture.  Bake for 15 minutes on one side at 350 F and then flip over and bake another 5-10 minutes. 

Follow the recipe from Pioneer Woman for the rest of the steps.  The tomato sauce is delicious!

I know... not very good pics mostly because you can only see the cheese... but my friend who is a picky eater liked it so I think that's pretty high praise.

Fried Onion and Jalapeno

Just like from Chili's!  The recipe I used just has the onions, but basically slice up the jalapenos and follow the same method of preparation as for the onions.