Sunday, April 21, 2013

Green Tea Macarons with Dark Chocolate Ganache

Ok... I honestly don't remember which recipe I used.  I had three different recipes and I kind of combined all of those.  Honestly, you can do a google search and find some great recipes but here are some tips:

THESE TAKE A LOT OF PREPARING! And are very time consuming.  I'm glad I made 'em... but I'm probably never gonna make these again.  I just wanted to try and see if I could do it.  I also read a lot of advice on how to make them so I wouldn't mess up ten times and get frustrated and give up.

Keep eggs out for about 2-3 days.
Don't freak out if the batter is runny... it should be!
Line baking sheet with parchment paper.
After dolloping the macaron mixture onto the baking sheet, pick up the sheet and rap the baking sheet on the counter 2-3 times. This will even out the top and helps make frills.
Let the pipetted macarons dry on the baking sheet for 15 minutes before placing in the oven.  If you touch the top of one macaron lightly, it should not stick to your finger.  If it does, let it dry for a little longer before baking.

Here's a good recipe and one that pretty much has the tips I listed: Basic French Macaron recipe

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