Sunday, April 21, 2013

Sesame Street Cupcakes

So... I had taken a lot of pictures of these... without my SD card in my camera so these cupcakes that you see here are actually the leftover cupcakes (and probably not the prettiest, I mean the bottom Cookie Monster looks likes he's going to cry! There weren't even any leftover Cookie Monsters, I made two more for the picture!)

Elmo's got a little bit of Big Bird's icing on him... oh well.  These were all made from scratch and took a really long time but I hadn't baked in so long that I wanted to try something different. I have a lot of stories for the long process that these took (Ran out of ingredients, using A LOT of food coloring for Elmo only to realize that I was using pink instead of red, pastry bag bursting from too much pressure when icing Oscar the Grouch, etc....) All the icing except for the black and white icing was made from scratch and is vanilla buttercream.  Here's the link for the vanilla butter cream and vanilla cupcake recipe I used... very highly recommended!

And of course, here's the tutorial on how to make these decorations from Annie's Eats.  She did SUCH an amazing job with these and even had a whole Sesame Street themed party for her son and if you get a chance, you should look it all the party decorations/invitations/food/etc.

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